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Public Safety

Renovation vs. Replacement?

Monson Fire Station

Monson, Massachusetts

Tecton worked with the Town of Monson to study the current and future needs of the Fire Department. This included a space needs assessment, conditions assessment of the existing facility and site, and development of schematic designs and cost estimates. Together, Tecton and the Town explored 10 different options with multiple configurations and building sizes to best meet the priorities of the department. After a review of the proposed options, the Town elected to renovate the existing station, adding a new two-story addition and medium apparatus bay. This preferred option meets the priorities of improving responder health and safety through appropriate decontamination spaces, contemporary living quarters, a centralized locker/shower room, mitigated bay congestion, separate training and classroom space, a separate public entry, and additional administrative and storage space. This project is currently in design.


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